The Local Services Directory is essentially a list of all the local
tradesmen and businesses available to you in the local area.
We try to include any special offers from the companies involved
and, where appropriate, we encourage you to enquire as to our special
offers directly with the company involved.
Contact Michael
Telephone & Fax - 01937 - 584 591 (Leave a message if not
answered and I will get back to back to you.)
All kinds of architecture, design and town planning consultancy
catered for by this greatly experienced sincere professional.
Businesses For Sale
Lakey & Co Yorkshire
Contact Howard Dean
Telephone & Fax - 01765 - 64 00 64
Business for sale? Want to buy a business?
Contact Howard now for a no-nonsense appraisal
Contact Mike
Telephone - 0870 - 345 9551
Business Solutions through Information Technology Training
Improve the IT Skills and Extend the Knowledge of your Staff with
Company Customised or Standard Shared Courses.